Our Innovative ICT Services
For any of your ICT problems, MEIT has an innovative solution.

Computer Services
Our highly competent team of computer technicians provides a full range of computer services and maintenance tasks to keep your computer system at the best of their performance. We ensure that companies derive the most value from their computer systems by ensuring they work efficiently and are programmed for the users benefit.
- Computer Repairing
- Configuration and troubleshooting
- Cleaning
- Computer user assistance
- Training for Computer systems

Using the best networking infrastructure, we make it possible for companies and organizations to connect their computer system via Local Area Networks and Wide Area networks. Our team of specialists deliver the following with quality:
- Designing
- Maintenance and Troubleshooting
- Fibre Optic Technologies
- Cabling and Splicing

Using state-of-the-art scanning machines, we are able to translate hard copy documents to soft copy documents that are indexed for ease of reference for the client and stored in a portable device for ease of reach unlike having to store or move with hard copy documents. Acknowledging the fact that we have a strong team that ensures that the work is executed on a timely basis

Know Your Customer (KYC) Services
If you need the best KYC services for your financial business, contact us. KYC Services help enable companies that deal with money of financial institutions to know their customers and make sure customer activity is legitimate and free from identity fraud or money laundering.
KYB (Know Your Business) is an offset of KYC that focuses on companies as a whole.
CIP (Customer Identification Program) is the basis of your KYC and sets out the main framework and guidelines for making sure your customers are who they claim they are.
CDD (Customer Due Diligence is the process of taking data about a customer and finding out more in-depth information about them. MEIT offers this services, serving both SCDD (Simplified Customer Due Diligence) and EDD (Enhanced Due Diligence) as per customer needs.
With out state-of-the-art technology we are also able to offer you eKYC(Electronic KYC), digital tech and online services and data systems to simplify and enhance the traditional KYC practices.
Join our family of clients that trust us as their ICT service provider.